That’s almost always the first question I get whenever I tell people what I do.
I never know, exactly, how to answer. As an author, my debut novel, Leta Pearl’s Love Biscuits is set to release on October 7, 2025.
Before shifting my focus to novels and creative writing, though, I worked for two decades as an award-winning copywriter and creative brand strategist.
I love the South, and attribute my fascination with Story to having grown up there, in lovely St. Florian (pronounced “Flow—REEN”), Alabama; that’s just a bit north of Florence (which is pronounced, “Florence”).
In case academics are your thing, I hold a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in creative writing from the University of California, Riverside and a Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD) Degree from the Mississippi College School of Law. (This simply means that out there, somewhere, lies a handful of professors whom I’ve managed to convince I know a few things.)
Speaking of academics, I have also taught as an adjunct professor at UC San Diego and National University, and I have led writing workshops at San Diego Writers, Ink., and Emerald Coast Storytellers.